pricing logic
Unlock your earning
potential with our performance-led
pricing logic.
Vetted brand opportunities
Partner with trustworthy brands that are pre-screened and verified.
Grow your
Introduce your content to new followers & expand your fanbase.
Join Cre8r community today!
Here’s  how  to  start
Sign up & complete your profile
Join our community to
expand your reach and opportunities.
Connect with
Our AI helps you connect with brands that fit your audience and content.
Land dream
Partner with top brands, boost your engagement and watch your influence grow.
Collab with
leading brands
Team up with a vast selection of brands actively seeking influencer partnerships.
and create
Easily team up with brands that match your niche and build engaging content.
Get paid
Receive your payment directly in your account as per agreed terms.
Creator FAQs
How much time do creators have to respond?
Can creators choose their own pricing?
Do I need to pay some kind of registration charge?
What are the prerequisites for creators to join Cre8r?
How do creators get paid on Cre8r?
How are creators notified about new campaigns?
More FAQ's